Product Name: 1271630BASE GP-ENGINE
Category: Engine System
Model: 3054 Industrial Engine
Section: Enclosures Guards And Bases
Group: 3054 Industrial Engine
Note: 127-1630 BASE GP-ENGINE FOR USE WITH @@@@@108-0495@@@@@, @@@@@108-0496@@@@@, @@@@@118-9434@@@@@, @@@@@128-5111@@@@@CANNOT BE USED WITH @@@@@127-2272@@@@@ AN ATTACHMENT
Product Name: 1271630BASE GP-ENGINE
Category: Engine System
Remark: 127-1630 BASE GP-ENGINE FOR USE WITH @@@@@108-0495@@@@@, @@@@@108-0496@@@@@, @@@@@118-9434@@@@@, @@@@@128-5111@@@@@CANNOT BE USED WITH @@@@@127-2272@@@@@ AN ATTACHMENT
Model: 3054 Industrial Engine
Section: Array
Group: 3054 Industrial Engine
IE type: L
Is arrangement: N
Is change: N