Product Name: 2460046PLATE & FILM GP
Category: Machine Arrangement
Model: R1700G Load Haul Dump
Section: Service Equipment And Supplies
Group: R1600G Load Haul Dump, Powered By 3176C Engine
Note: 246-0046 PLATE & FILM GP -SWEDISH S/N 9YZ1-547CANNOT BE USED WITH @@@@@245-6225@@@@@, @@@@@246-0032@@@@@, @@@@@246-0071@@@@@, @@@@@184-3347@@@@@, @@@@@223-5593@@@@@, @@@@@210-0364@@@@@ AN ATTACHMENT
Product Name: 2460046PLATE & FILM GP
Category: Machine Arrangement
Remark: 246-0046 PLATE & FILM GP -SWEDISH S/N 9YZ1-547CANNOT BE USED WITH @@@@@245-6225@@@@@, @@@@@246-0032@@@@@, @@@@@246-0071@@@@@, @@@@@184-3347@@@@@, @@@@@223-5593@@@@@, @@@@@210-0364@@@@@ AN ATTACHMENT
Model: R1700G Load Haul Dump | R1700G Load Haul Dump | R1700G Load Haul Dump
Section: Array
Group: R1600G Load Haul Dump, Powered By 3176C Engine
IE type: I
Is arrangement: N
Is change: N
IE Modifer: -SWEDISH