Product Name: 1443578ENGINE AR-CORE
Category: Engine System
Model: 3412E Engine Machine
Section: Engine Arrangement
Group: 775D Quarry Truck, Powered By 3412E Engine
Note: 144-3578 ENGINE AR-CORE S/N 80M1032-UPPART OF 143-7474 ENGINE AR-GENERALFIELD REPLACEMENT ORDER @@@@@131-4878@@@@@
Product Name: 1443578ENGINE AR-CORE
Category: Engine System
Remark: 144-3578 ENGINE AR-CORE S/N 80M1032-UPPART OF 143-7474 ENGINE AR-GENERALFIELD REPLACEMENT ORDER @@@@@131-4878@@@@@
Model: 3412E Engine Machine | 3412E Engine Machine
Section: Array
Group: 775D Quarry Truck, Powered By 3412E Engine
Is service: N
Is Filter: N
Is Maint: N
IE type: L
Is arrangement: Y
Is change: N