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OEM Parts RE324100 Wheel Ring for 8530 Tractor

Product Name: RE324100 Wheel Ring

Category: Undercarriage / Engine System / Axle


Model: 8530 Tractor | 7280R Tractor (S.N. -080000)(Worldwide Edition) | 7630 Tractor

Remark: RE324100 Кольцо колеса

Product Name: RE324100 Wheel Ring

Category: Undercarriage / Engine System / Axle

Model: 8530 Tractor | 7280R Tractor (S.N. -080000)(Worldwide Edition) | 7630 Tractor | 7730 Tractor | 7200R Tractor (S.N. -080000)(Worldwide Edition) | 7230R Tractor (S.N. -080000)(Worldwide Edition) | 7720, 7820 and 7920 Tractors (Worldwide Edition) | 8430 Tractor | 8330 Tractor | 8225R Tractor (S.N. 000101 - 053099)(Worldwide) | 6210R Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 6068RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4) | 6170R Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 6068RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4) | 6190R Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 6068RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4) | 8270R Tractor (S.N. 090001-170000)(Worldwide Edition) | 7830 Tractor | 7260R Tractor (S.N. -080000)(Worldwide Edition) | 2854 Tractor (China Edition) | 7215R Tractor (S.N. -080000)(Worldwide Edition) | 7930 Tractor | 7R 230 Tractor (S.N. 110101- )(Worldwide Edition) | 7R 270 Tractor (S.N. 110101- )(Worldwide Edition) | 8R 280 Tractor (Russia Edition) | 7R 250 Tractor (S.N. 110101- )(Worldwide Edition) | 8R 250 Tractor (Russia Edition) | 7R 330 Tractor (S.N. 110101- )(Worldwide Edition) | 7R 290 Tractor (S.N. 110101- )(Worldwide Edition) | 7210R Tractor (S.N. 080001-110100)(Worldwide Edition) | 8245R Tractor (S.N. 090001-170000)(Worldwide Edition) | 8320R Tractor (S.N. 090001-170000)(Worldwide Edition) | 8335R Tractor (S.N. 090001-170000)(Worldwide Edition)



  • 180 Wheels, Front Axles and Sheet Metal8530 TractorFront Wheels (ILS™/1500 MFWD) (10 Bolt) (8-Position) (Duals)
  • 280 Wheels and Sheet Metal7280R Tractor (S.N. -080000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 380 Wheels, Front Axle and Sheet Metal7630 TractorFront Wheel Assembly (MFWD) (12 Bolt) (8-Position)
  • 480 Wheels, Front Axle and Sheet Metal7730 TractorFront Wheel Assembly (MFWD) (12 Bolt) (8-Position)
  • 580 Wheels and Sheet Metal7200R Tractor (S.N. -080000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 680 Wheels and Sheet Metal7230R Tractor (S.N. -080000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 780 Wheels, Front Axles and Sheet Metal7720, 7820 and 7920 Tractors (Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel Assembly (MFWD) (12 Bolt) (8-Position)
  • 880 Wheels, Front Axles and Sheet Metal8430 TractorFront Wheels (ILS™/1500 MFWD) (10 Bolt) (8-Position) (Duals)
  • 980 Wheels, Front Axles and Sheet Metal8330 TractorFront Wheel Assembly (MFWD) (12 Bolt) (8-Position)
  • 1080 Wheels, Front Axles and Sheet Metal8330 TractorFront Wheels (ILS™/1500 MFWD) (10 Bolt) (8-Position) (Duals)
  • 1180 Wheels Front Axle and Sheet Metal8225R Tractor (S.N. 000101 - 053099)(Worldwide)FRONT WHEEL ASSEMBLY (MFWD) (12 BOLT) (8-POSITION)
  • 1280 Wheels Front Axle and Sheet Metal8225R Tractor (S.N. 000101 - 053099)(Worldwide)Front Wheel, W/ ILS™ and 1500 MFWD, 10 Bolt, 8-Position, 132" Maximum Dual Setting
  • 1382 Wheels, Sheet Metal, Miscellaneous6210R Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 6068RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4)Front Wheels, W12X38
  • 1480 Wheels Front Axle and Sheet Metal8225R Tractor (S.N. 000101 - 053099)(Worldwide)Front Wheel, W/ ILS™ and 1500 MFWD, 10 Bolt, 8-Position, 144" Maximum Dual Setting
  • 1582 Wheels, Sheet Metal, Miscellaneous6170R Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 6068RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4)Front Wheels, W12X38
  • 1682 Wheels, Sheet Metal, Miscellaneous6190R Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 6068RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4)Front Wheels, W12X38
  • 1780 Wheels and Sheet Metal8270R Tractor (S.N. 090001-170000)(Worldwide Edition)Dual Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 1880 Wheels and Sheet Metal8270R Tractor (S.N. 090001-170000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 1980 Wheels and Sheet Metal8270R Tractor (S.N. 090001-170000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 2080 Wheels, Front Axle and Sheet Metal7830 TractorFront Wheel Assembly (MFWD) (12 Bolt) (8-Position)
  • 2180 Wheels and Sheet Metal7260R Tractor (S.N. -080000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel Assembly (MFWD) (12 Bolt) (8-Position)
  • 2280 Wheels and Sheet Metal7280R Tractor (S.N. -080000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel Assembly (MFWD) (12 Bolt) (8-Position)
  • 2380 Wheels, Frames and Sheet Metal2854 Tractor (China Edition)Dual Front Wheel, 16 Position, Group 43 Tires, LH Illustrated
  • 2480 Wheels and Sheet Metal7215R Tractor (S.N. -080000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 2580 Wheels, Frames and Sheet Metal2854 Tractor (China Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 2680 Wheels, Frames and Sheet Metal2854 Tractor (China Edition)Dual Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 2780 Wheels and Sheet Metal7260R Tractor (S.N. -080000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 2880 Wheels, Front Axle and Sheet Metal7930 TractorFront Wheel Assembly (MFWD) (12 Bolt) (8-Position)
  • 29CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights7R 230 Tractor (S.N. 110101- )(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, LH Illustrated
  • 30CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights7R 270 Tractor (S.N. 110101- )(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, LH Illustrated
  • 31CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights8R 280 Tractor (Russia Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 32CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights7R 250 Tractor (S.N. 110101- )(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, LH Illustrated
  • 33CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights8R 280 Tractor (Russia Edition)Dual Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 34CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights8R 250 Tractor (Russia Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 35CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights8R 250 Tractor (Russia Edition)Dual Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 36CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights7R 330 Tractor (S.N. 110101- )(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, LH Illustrated
  • 37CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights7R 290 Tractor (S.N. 110101- )(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, LH Illustrated
  • 3880 Wheels and Sheet Metal7210R Tractor (S.N. 080001-110100)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, LH Illustrated
  • 3980 Wheels and Sheet Metal8245R Tractor (S.N. 090001-170000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 4080 Wheels and Sheet Metal8245R Tractor (S.N. 090001-170000)(Worldwide Edition)Dual Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 4180 Wheels and Sheet Metal8245R Tractor (S.N. 090001-170000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 4280 Wheels and Sheet Metal8320R Tractor (S.N. 090001-170000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 4380 Wheels And Sheet Metal8335R Tractor (S.N. 090001-170000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 4480 Wheels And Sheet Metal8335R Tractor (S.N. 090001-170000)(Worldwide Edition)Dual Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 4580 Wheels, Front Axles and Sheet Metal8235R Tractor (S.N. 016001 - 090000)(Worldwide Edition)Dual Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 4680 Wheels, Front Axles and Sheet Metal8285R Tractor (S.N. 016001 - 090000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 4780 Wheels And Sheet Metal8295R Tractor (S.N. 090001-170000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 4880 Wheels And Sheet Metal8295R Tractor (S.N. 090001-170000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 4980 Wheels and Sheet Metal8320R Tractor (S.N. 090001-170000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 5080 Wheels And Sheet Metal8335R Tractor (S.N. 090001-170000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 5180 Wheels, Front Axles and Sheet Metal8120, 8220, 8320, 8420 and 8520 Tractors (Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel Assembly (MFWD) (12 Bolt) (8-Position)
  • 5280 Wheels, Front Axles and Sheet Metal8235R Tractor (S.N. 016001 - 090000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 5380 Wheels and Sheet Metal8320R Tractor (S.N. 090001-170000)(Worldwide Edition)Dual Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 5480 Wheels, Front Axles and Sheet Metal8285R Tractor (S.N. 016001 - 090000)(Worldwide Edition)Dual Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 5580 Wheels And Sheet Metal8295R Tractor (S.N. 090001-170000)(Worldwide Edition)Dual Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 5680 Front Axle, Wheels And Sheet Metal8130 TractorFront Wheel Assembly (MFWD) (12 Bolt) (8-Position)
  • 57CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights7R 310 Tractor (S.N. 110101- )(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, LH Illustrated
  • 5880 Wheels, Front Axles and Sheet Metal8230 TractorFront Wheels (ILS™/1500 MFWD) (10 Bolt) (8-Position) (Duals)
  • 5980 Wheels, Front Axles and Sheet Metal8230 TractorFront Wheel Assembly (MFWD) (12 Bolt) (8-Position)
  • 6080 Front Axle, Wheels And Sheet Metal8130 TractorFront Wheels (ILS™/1500 MFWD) (10 Bolt) (8-Position) (Duals)
  • 6180 Wheels and Sheet Metal7290R Tractor (S.N. 080001-110100)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, LH Illustrated
  • 6280 Wheels and Sheet Metal7310R Tractor (S.N. 080001-110100)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, LH Illustrated
  • 6380 Wheels and Sheet Metal7270R Tractor (S.N. 080001-110100)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, LH Illustrated
  • 6480 Wheels and Sheet Metal7250R Tractor (S.N. 080001-110100)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, LH Illustrated
  • 6580 Wheels and Sheet Metal8320R Tractor (S.N. 055001-070000) (Russian Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Positions, Group 43 Tires (LH Illustrated)
  • 6680 Wheels and Sheet Metal8320R Tractor (S.N. 055001-070000) (Russian Edition)Dual Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 6780 Wheel, Frame and Sheet Metal8225R Tractor (S.N. 120000- )(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 68CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights8R 370 Tractor (Russia Edition)Dual Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 6980 Wheel, Frame and Sheet Metal8225R Tractor (S.N. 120000- )(Worldwide Edition)Dual Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 7080 Wheel, Frame and Sheet Metal8225R Tractor (S.N. 120000- )(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires (RH Illustrated)
  • 7180 Wheel, Frame and Sheet Metal8225R Tractor (S.N. 120000- )(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 7280 Wheels, Front Axles and Sheet Metal8335R Tractor (S.N. 052201-055000)(Russia Edition)Dual Front Wheel, 8 Positions, Group 43 Tires (LH Illustrated)
  • 73CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights8R 370 Tractor (Russia Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 74CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights6175M Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 6068UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4 / MY18)Steel Disk Front Wheels, 8 Position, W12X38
  • 75CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights6175M Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 6068UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4 / MY18)Steel Disk Front Wheels, 8 Position, W12X38
  • 7680 Wheels And Sheet Metal8370R Tractor (S.N. 090001-170000)(Worldwide Edition)Dual Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 7780 Wheels, Front Axles and Sheet Metal8260R Tractor (S.N. 016001 - 090000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 7880 Wheels, Front Axles and Sheet Metal8335R Tractor (S.N. 016001 - 090000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 79CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights8R 340 Tractor (Russia Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 8080 Wheels, Front Axles and Sheet Metal8310R Tractor (S.N. 016001 - 090000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 8180 Wheels And Sheet Metal8370R Tractor (S.N. 090001-170000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 8280 Wheels, Front Axles and Sheet Metal8310R Tractor (S.N. 016001 - 090000)(Worldwide Edition)Dual Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 83CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights6195M Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 6068GXXXXXX)(Tier 2 / MY18)Steel Disk Front Wheels, 8 Position, W12X38
  • 8480 Wheels, Front Axles and Sheet Metal8335R Tractor (S.N. 016001 - 090000)(Worldwide Edition)Dual Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 85CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights6195M Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 6068UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4 / MY18)Steel Disk Front Wheels, 8 Position, W12X38
  • 86CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights8R 310 Tractor (Russia Edition)Dual Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 8780 Wheels And Sheet Metal8370R Tractor (S.N. 090001-170000)(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 8880 Wheels, Front Axles and Sheet Metal8260R Tractor (S.N. 016001 - 090000)(Worldwide Edition)Dual Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 89CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights8R 310 Tractor (Russia Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 90CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights8R 340 Tractor (Russia Edition)Dual Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
  • 91CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights6195M Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 6068UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4 / MY18)Steel Disk Front Wheels, 8 Position, W12X38
  • 92CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights6175M Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 6068GXXXXXX)(Tier 2 / MY18)Steel Disk Front Wheels, 8 Position, W12X38
  • 93CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights6195R Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 6068UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4)Front Wheels, 8 Position, W12X38
  • 94CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights6215R Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 6068UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4)Front Wheels, 8 Position, W12X38
  • 95CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights6175R Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 6068UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4)Front Wheels, 8 Position, W12X38
  • 96CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights6195R Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 6068UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4)Front Wheels, 8 Position, W12X38
  • 97CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights6195M Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 6068GXXXXXX)(Tier 2)(S.N. 860524- )Steel Disk Front Wheels, 8 Position, W12X38
  • 98CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights6175R Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 6068UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4)Steel Disk Front Wheels, 8 Position, W12X38
  • 99CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights6215R Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 6068UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4)Steel Disk Front Wheels, 8 Position, W12X38
  • 100CHC Wheels, Tires and Weights8R 410 Tractor (S.N. 170001- )(Worldwide Edition)Front Wheel, 8 Position, Group 43 Tires, RH Illustrated
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