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OEM Parts RE543672 Engine Cylinder Head Gasket for 710L Backhoe Loader (Engine 4045HT084)(PIN: 1T0710LX_ _F294268-390995)

Product Name: RE543672 Engine Cylinder Head Gasket

Category: Consumable Parts


Model: 710L Backhoe Loader (Engine 4045HT084)(PIN: 1T0710LX_ _F294268-390995) | 180GLC Excavator (PIN: 1FF180GX_ _E020001- ) | 5100ML Tractor (Engine 4045HLV68,4045HLV70)(North American Edition)

Remark: RE543672 Прокл. гол. цил. двигат.

Product Name: RE543672 Engine Cylinder Head Gasket

Category: Consumable Parts

Model: 710L Backhoe Loader (Engine 4045HT084)(PIN: 1T0710LX_ _F294268-390995) | 180GLC Excavator (PIN: 1FF180GX_ _E020001- ) | 5100ML Tractor (Engine 4045HLV68,4045HLV70)(North American Edition) | 6090RC Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4) | 6100RC Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4) | 6110RC Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4) | 6090MC Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4) | 6100MC Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4) | 6110MC Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4) | 6105D iT4 Tractor (S.N. 050001 - 059999) (S.N. 060000- )(Engine: 4045HP056)(North America Edition) | 6115D iT4 Tractor (S.N. 050001 - 059999)(S.N. 060000- )(Engine: 4045HP056)(North America Edition) | 6140D iT4 Tractor (S.N. 050001 - 059999)(S.N. 060000- )(Engine: 4045HP056, 4045HP057)(North America Edition) | 310K Backhoe Loader (Engine 4045HT073)(PIN: 1T0310KX_ _E219607 - E277404) | 310SK Backhoe Loader (Engine 4045HT073)(PIN: 1T0310SK_ _E219607 - E277407) | 410K TC (TMC) Backhoe Loader (Engine 4045HT063, 4045HT073)(PIN: 1T0410TK_ _E219607 - E268557) | 444K Loader (PIN: 1DW444K_ _ _E642101-670307)(Engine 4045HDW56-RE545518, 4045HDW58-RE565292) | 410K Backhoe Loader (Engine 4045HT063, 4045HT073)(PIN: 1T0410KX_ _E219607 - E277405) | W155 Windrower | 310SK TC (TMC) Backhoe Loader (Engine 4045HT063,4045HT073)(PIN: 1T0310TK_ _E219607 - E270402) | 210K Tractor Loader (PIN: 1T8210KX_ _E891000- )(Engine 4045HT073) | 5100E Tractor (Engine: 4045HLV69, iT4)(North America Edition) | 5085E Tractor (Engine: 4045HLV69, iT4)(North America Edition) | 130G Excavator (PIN: 1FF130GX_ _E040001- ) | 6105R Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4) | 6105M Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4) | 6105R Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4) | 444K Loader (PIN: 1DW444K_ _ _F670308- )(Engine 4045HDW57-RE554093) | 6115M Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4) | 6115M Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4) | 6105M Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4)



  • 10400B Engine 4045HT084-DZ114305-ETN212915 4045HT084710L Backhoe Loader (Engine 4045HT084)(PIN: 1T0710LX_ _F294268-390995)9901 Cylinder Head Removal Gasket Kit (1/3)
  • 20400 Engine 4045HT068-RE543231 4045HT068180GLC Excavator (PIN: 1FF180GX_ _E020001- )5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 3680 Engine 4045HLV68-RE5451925100ML Tractor (Engine 4045HLV68,4045HLV70)(North American Edition)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 420 Engine 4045HL490-DD22206-DD22370-ETN98548-ETN1202766090RC Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 520 Engine 4045HL490-DD22206-DD22370-ETN98548-ETN1202766100RC Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 620 Engine 4045HL490-DD22206-DD22370-ETN98548-ETN1202766110RC Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 720 Engine 4045HL490-DD22206-DD22370-ETN98548-ETN1202766090MC Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 820 Engine 4045HL490-DD22206-DD22370-ETN98548-ETN1202766100MC Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 920 Engine 4045HL490-DD22206-DD22370-ETN98548-ETN1202766110MC Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 1020 Engine 4045HP056-RE5453626105D iT4 Tractor (S.N. 050001 - 059999) (S.N. 060000- )(Engine: 4045HP056)(North America Edition)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 1120 Engine 4045HP056-RE5453626115D iT4 Tractor (S.N. 050001 - 059999)(S.N. 060000- )(Engine: 4045HP056)(North America Edition)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 1220 Engine 4045HP0576140D iT4 Tractor (S.N. 050001 - 059999)(S.N. 060000- )(Engine: 4045HP056, 4045HP057)(North America Edition)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 130400 Engine 4045HT073-RE546630 4045HT073310K Backhoe Loader (Engine 4045HT073)(PIN: 1T0310KX_ _E219607 - E277404)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 140400 Engine 4045HT073-RE546630 4045HT073310SK Backhoe Loader (Engine 4045HT073)(PIN: 1T0310SK_ _E219607 - E277407)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 150400A Engine 4045HT073-RE546630 4045HT073410K TC (TMC) Backhoe Loader (Engine 4045HT063, 4045HT073)(PIN: 1T0410TK_ _E219607 - E268557)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 160400A Engine 4045HDW56-RE545518 4045HDW56444K Loader (PIN: 1DW444K_ _ _E642101-670307)(Engine 4045HDW56-RE545518, 4045HDW58-RE565292)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 170400A Engine 4045HT073-RE546630 4045HT073410K Backhoe Loader (Engine 4045HT063, 4045HT073)(PIN: 1T0410KX_ _E219607 - E277405)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 1820 Engine 4045HE052-RE559070W155 Windrower5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 190400A Engine 4045HT073-RE546630 4045HT073310SK TC (TMC) Backhoe Loader (Engine 4045HT063,4045HT073)(PIN: 1T0310TK_ _E219607 - E270402)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 200400A Engine 4045HT073-RE546630 4045HT073210K Tractor Loader (PIN: 1T8210KX_ _E891000- )(Engine 4045HT073)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 2120 Engine 4045HLV69-RE5500405100E Tractor (Engine: 4045HLV69, iT4)(North America Edition)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 2220 Engine 4045HLV69-RE5500405085E Tractor (Engine: 4045HLV69, iT4)(North America Edition)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 230400 Engine 4045HT066-RE541640 4045HT066130G Excavator (PIN: 1FF130GX_ _E040001- )5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 2420 Engine 4045HL497-DD22038-ETN65521-ETN65522-ETN743066105R Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 2520 Engine 4045HL497-DD22038-ETN65521-ETN65522-ETN743066105M Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 2620 Engine 4045HL497-DD22038-ETN65521-ETN65522-ETN743066105R Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 270400A Diesel Engine 4045HDW57-RE554093 4045HDW57444K Loader (PIN: 1DW444K_ _ _F670308- )(Engine 4045HDW57-RE554093)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 2820 Engine 4045HL497-DD22038-ETN65521-ETN65522-ETN743066115M Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 2920 Engine 4045HL497-DD22038-ETN65521-ETN65522-ETN743066115M Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 3020 Engine 4045HL497-DD22038-ETN65521-ETN65522-ETN743066105M Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 315100 Cylinder Head 4045HFC95PowerTech PWX 4.5L 4045HFC95 Diesel OEM Industrial Engine (IT4)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 3220 Engine 4045HLV70-RE5598375100MH Tractor (Engine 4045HLV68,4045HLV70)(iT4)(North America Edition)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 3320 Engine 4045HLV70-RE5598375100M Tractor (S.N. 500001- )(IT4)(Engine 4045HLV70)(Europe Edition)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 3420 Engine 4045HLV70-RE5598375085M Tractor (S.N. 500001- )(IT4)(Engine 4045HLV70)(Europe Edition)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 3520 Engine 4045HLV70-RE5598375115ML Tractor (Engine 4045HLV68,4045HLV70)(iT4)(North America Edition)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 3620 Engine 4045HLV70-RE5598375100M Tractor (Engine 4045HLV68,4045HLV70)(iT4)(North America Edition)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 3720 Engine 4045HLV70-RE5598375115M Tractor (Engine 4045HLV68,4045HLV70)(iT4)(North America Edition)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 3820 Engine 4045HLV70-RE5598375085M Tractor (Engine 4045HLV68,4045HLV70)(iT4)(North America Edition)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 3920 Engine 4045HLV70-RE5598375115M Tractor, OOS (-1LV5115MHJ200001), Cab (-1LV5115MHJ500001)(Europe Edition)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 400400 Engine 4045HT068-RE543231 4045HT068160GLC Excavator (PIN: 1FF160GX_ _E055001- )5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 410400 Engine 4045HT070-RE543347 4045HT070550K Crawler Dozer (PIN: 1T0550KX_ _E217276 - 275527) Engine 4045HT0705138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 4220 Diesel Engine 4045HP057-RE5598486130D iT4 Tractor (S.N. 050001 - 059999)(S.N. 060000- ) (North America Edition)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 43389 Engine 4045HMC04-DD22389PowerTech PWL 4.5L 4045HMC04 OEM Engine (FT4)5152 Cylinder Head with Valve
  • 440400B Engine 4045HT079-RE559143 4045HT079550K Crawler Dozer (PIN: 1T0550KX_ _F275977 - 303907) Engine 4045HT0795154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 4520 Engine 4045HN051-RE560451R4023 Self-Propelled Sprayer (Engine 6068HN062, 4045HN051, 4045HN052, 4045HN053, 4045HN054)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 46100 Engine 4045HFL93-DD22273-DD22489PowerTech 4.5L 4045HFL93 OEM Engine (DD22273)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 47208 Engine 4045HFK04-DZ108208-DZ113868PowerTech PWL 4.5L 4045HFK04-DZ108208 OEM (FT4) Engine5152 Cylinder Head with Valve
  • 48876 Engine 4045HFK04-DZ107876-DZ113869PowerTech PWL 4.5L 4045HFK04-DZ107876 OEM (FT4) Engine5152 Cylinder Head with Valve
  • 49EN00 Engine 4045HL502-DD22293-ETN135873 4045HL5026095RC Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 50EN00 Engine 4045HL502-DD22293-ETN135873 4045HL5026105RC Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 51EN00 Engine 4045HL502-DD22293-ETN135873 4045HL5026115RC Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 52EN00 Engine 4045HL502-DD22293-ETN135873 4045HL5026095MC Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 53EN00 Engine 4045HL502-DD22293-ETN135873 4045HL5026105MC Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 54EN00 Engine 4045HL502-DD22293-ETN135873 4045HL5026115MC Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 55EN00 Engine 4045HL502-DD22293-ETN135873 4045HL5026105MC Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4 / MY18)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 56E100 Engine 4045HL503-DZ105710-ETN155940-ETN177895 4045HL5036110R Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4 / MY18)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 57E100 Engine 4045HL503-DZ105710-ETN155940-ETN177895 4045HL5036120R Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4 / MY18)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 58E100 Engine 4045HL503-DZ105710-ETN155940-ETN177895 4045HL5036130R Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4 / MY18)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 59E100 Engine 4045HL504-DZ105712-ETN155942 4045HL5046135R Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4 / MY18)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 60E100 Engine 4045HL503-DZ105710-ETN155940-ETN177895 4045HL5036110R Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4 / MY18)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 61E100 Engine 4045HL503-DZ105710-ETN155940-ETN177895 4045HL5036120R Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4 / MY18)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 62E100 Engine 4045HL503-DZ105710-ETN155940-ETN177895 4045HL5036130R Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4 / MY18)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 63E100 Engine 4045HL503-DZ105711-ETN155083 4045HL5036110M Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4 / MY18)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 64E100 Engine 4045HL503-DZ105711-ETN155083 4045HL5036120M Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4 / MY18)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 65E100 Engine 4045HL503-DZ105711-ETN155083 4045HL5036130M Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4 / MY18)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 66E100 Engine 4045HL504-DZ105713-ETN155941 4045HL5046135M Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4 / MY18)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 67E100 Engine 4045HL504-DZ105713-ETN155941 4045HL5046145M Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4 / MY18)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 68E100 Engine 4045HL503-DZ105711-ETN155083 4045HL5036110M Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4 / MY18)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 69E100 Engine 4045HL503-DZ105711-ETN155083 4045HL5036120M Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4 / MY18)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 70E100 Engine 4045HL503-DZ105711-ETN155083 4045HL5036130M Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4 / MY18)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 71E100 Engine 4045HL504-DZ105713-ETN155941 4045HL5046145M Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 4045UXXXXXX)(Final Tier 4 / MY18)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 72528 Engine 4045HLC09-DZ109528PowerTech 4.5L 4045HLC09 OEM Engine (FT4)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 73530 Engine 4045HLC07-DZ109530PowerTech 4.5L 4045HLC07 OEM Engine (FT4)5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 740400 Engine 4045HT068-RE543231 4045HT068160GLC Excavator (PIN: 1FF160GX_ _E055001- )9901 Engine Overhaul Gasket Kit (3/3)
  • 750400 Engine 4045HT068-RE543231 4045HT068180GLC Excavator (PIN: 1FF180GX_ _E020001- )9901 Engine Overhaul Gasket Kit (3/3)
  • 760400 Engine 4045HT069-RE543344 4045HT069605K Crawler Loader (PIN: 1T0605KX_ _E237629- )5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 77100 Engine 4045HFL93-DD22269-DD22487PowerTech 4.5L 4045HFL93 OEM Engine (DD22269)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 7820 Engine 4045HL496-DD22037-ETN65516-ETN65517-ETN743086130M Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 7920 Engine 4045HL496-DD22037-ETN65516-ETN65517-ETN743086140M Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 80100 Engine 4045HFL93-DD22271-DD22488PowerTech 4.5L 4045HFL93 OEM Engine (DD22271)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 8120 Engine 4045HL496-DD22037-ETN65516-ETN65517-ETN743086130R Tractor (Europe Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 8220 Engine 4045HL496-DD22037-ETN65516-ETN65517-ETN743086140M Tractor (North America Edition, Engine SN: 4045RXXXXXX)(Interim Tier 4)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 830400A Engine 4045HDW56-RE545518 4045HDW56444K Loader (PIN: 1DW444K_ _ _E642101-670307)(Engine 4045HDW56-RE545518, 4045HDW58-RE565292)9901 Engine Overhaul Gasket Kit (3/3)
  • 840400A Engine 4045HDW56-RE545518 4045HDW56444K Loader (PIN: 1DW444K_ _ _E642101-670307)(Engine 4045HDW56-RE545518, 4045HDW58-RE565292)9901 Gasket Kit
  • 85100 Engine 4045HMC92-DD22445PowerTech PWX 4.5L 4045HMC92 OEM Engine (IT4)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 86734 Engine 4045HMC05-DZ107734PowerTech PWL 4.5L 4045HMC05 OEM Engine (FT4)5152 Cylinder Head with Valve
  • 87100 Engine 4045HMC85-DD22447PowerTech 4.5L 4045HMC85 OEM Engine (Low Tier)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 88449 Engine 4045HMC85-DD22449PowerTech 4.5L 4045HMC85 OEM Engine (Low Tier)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 89450 Engine 4045HMC85-DD22450PowerTech 4.5L 4045HMC85 OEM Engine (Low Tier)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 90451 Engine 4045HMC85-DD22451PowerTech 4.5L 4045HMC85 OEM Engine (Low Tier)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 91510 Cylinder Head 4045HFC09PowerTech 4.5L 4045HFC09 FT4 OEM Engine5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 92448 Engine 4045HMC85-DD22448PowerTech 4.5L 4045HMC85 OEM Engine (Low Tier)5138 Cylinder Head With Valves
  • 930400A Engine 4045HT076-RE557936 4045HT076130G Excavator (PIN: 1FF130GX_ _F040608- )5154 Cylinder Head with Valves
  • 9420 Engine 4045HLV69-RE5500405085E Tractor (Engine: 4045HLV69, iT4)(North America Edition)9901 Engine Overhaul Gasket Kit (3/3)
  • 9520 Engine 4045HLV69-RE5500405100E Tractor (Engine: 4045HLV69, iT4)(North America Edition)9901 Engine Overhaul Gasket Kit (3/3)
  • 96680 Engine 4045HLV68-RE5451925100ML Tractor (Engine 4045HLV68,4045HLV70)(North American Edition)9901 Engine Overhaul Gasket Kit (3/3)
  • 9720 Engine 4045HLV69-RE5500405085E Tractor (Engine: 4045HLV69, iT4)(North America Edition)9901 Cylinder Head Gasket Kit
  • 9820 Engine 4045HLV69-RE5500405100E Tractor (Engine: 4045HLV69, iT4)(North America Edition)9901 Cylinder Head Gasket Kit
  • 99680 Engine 4045HLV68-RE5451925100ML Tractor (Engine 4045HLV68,4045HLV70)(North American Edition)9901 Cylinder Head Gasket Kit
  • 10020 Engine 4045HP056-RE5453626105D iT4 Tractor (S.N. 050001 - 059999) (S.N. 060000- )(Engine: 4045HP056)(North America Edition)9901 Cylinder Head Gasket Kit
(Any references to trademarks, names, descriptions, numbers, and symbols on our website are utilized for reference purposes only. All trademarks pertaining to original equipment manufacturers are duly registered trademarks of the respective original equipment manufacturers. Our website explicitly disclaims any direct association or affiliation with the manufacturers listed. The use of manufacturers' names and descriptions is strictly for reference purposes and does not imply any endorsement or sponsorship.)