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OEM Parts AA44118 Chain Sprocket for 1765NT Conservation Planter (S.N. 760101- )

Product Name: AA44118 Chain Sprocket

Category: Electric System / Undercarriage / Hydraulic System / Bucket / Final Drive


Model: 1765NT Conservation Planter (S.N. 760101- ) | DB74C Planter (30/45/48 Rows, 70/50/45cm spacing) | DB50C Convertible Planter (20/31/32 Row, 76/50/45cm Spacing)(S.N. 740101- )

Remark: AA44118 Цепная звездочка

Product Name: AA44118 Chain Sprocket

Category: Electric System / Undercarriage / Hydraulic System / Bucket / Final Drive

Model: 1765NT Conservation Planter (S.N. 760101- ) | DB74C Planter (30/45/48 Rows, 70/50/45cm spacing) | DB50C Convertible Planter (20/31/32 Row, 76/50/45cm Spacing)(S.N. 740101- ) | DB60 Planter (36 Rows, 20-Inch Spacing) (S.N. -750999) (North American Edition) | DB60 Planter (24/47 Rows, 30/15-Inch Spacing, Split Row) (S.N. -750999) (North American Edition) | DB53 Planter (36 Rows, 45cm spacing) | 1700 Twin Row Planter | DB50 Planter (20/31/32 Row, 76/50/45cm spacing)(S.N. -099999)(South America Edition)(Manufactured in Brazil) | DB74 Planter (30/45/48 Row, 76/50/45cm spacing)(S.N. -099999)(South America Edition) (Manufactured in Brazil) | DB90 Planter (36 Row, 76cm spacing)(S.N. -099999)(South America Edition)(Manufactured in Brazil) | Deere Orthman DR8T Twin Row Planter (S.N. -785999) | 1775 Flex-Fold Planter (S.N. 760101- ) | 1705 Twin Row Planter (S.N. 760101- ) | DB50, DB74, DB90 (DB Series)(S.N. 740101- )Planter (South American Edition) | SeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate Drive | 1745 CIS Planter (Russian Edition) | DB62 Planter (36 Rows, 52.5cm Spacing) | DB83 Planter (48 Rows, 52.5cm Spacing) | DB74 Planter (32 Rows, 70cm spacing) | 1745 Drawn MaxEmerge 5 Planter (Russia Edition) | 1715 Vertical Fold Planter (S.N. 760101- 780999) | 1755 Planter (8 Row)(Mexico Edition) | DB41 Planter (24 Rows, 52.5cm Spacing) | DB55 Planter (24 Rows, 70cm Spacing) | DB55C Convertible Planter (24/36 Rows, 70/45cm Spacing) | 1725 CCS Twin Row Planter (S.N. 760101 - 785999) | DB90 Planter (36 Row, 30-Inch Spacing)(S.N. 755101- )(North America Edition) | 1745 Rigid Frame Planter (South America Edition) | DB44 Planter (24 Row, 22-Inch Spacing)(S.N. 755101- )(North America Edition) | DB90 Planter (36 Row, 76cm Spacing)(S.N. 100000-130099)(South America Edition)(Manufactured in Brazil)



  • 185 Variable Rate Drive1765NT Conservation Planter (S.N. 760101- )Variable Rate Drive, 2 Motor, RH
  • 225 DrivesDB74C Planter (30/45/48 Rows, 70/50/45cm spacing)Variable Seed Drive - 2/3 Motors
  • 325 DrivesDB50C Convertible Planter (20/31/32 Row, 76/50/45cm Spacing)(S.N. 740101- )Variable Seed Drive - 2/3 Motors
  • 425 DrivesDB74C Planter (30/45/48 Rows, 70/50/45cm spacing)Variable Seed Drive - 2 And 3 Motors
  • 525 DrivesDB50C Convertible Planter (20/31/32 Row, 76/50/45cm Spacing)(S.N. 740101- )Variable Seed Drive - 2 And 3 Motors
  • 625 DrivesDB60 Planter (36 Rows, 20-Inch Spacing) (S.N. -750999) (North American Edition)Variable Seed Drive- 3 Motors (LH ILL)
  • 725 DrivesDB60 Planter (24/47 Rows, 30/15-Inch Spacing, Split Row) (S.N. -750999) (North American Edition)Variable Seed Drive- 3 Motors (LH ILL)
  • 825 Drives DB Planter - 36 Rows 45 cm SpacingDB53 Planter (36 Rows, 45cm spacing)Variable Seed Drive- 3 Motors (LH ILL)
  • 925 DrivesDB60 Planter (36 Rows, 20-Inch Spacing) (S.N. -750999) (North American Edition)Variable Seed Drive Motor, RH Illustrated
  • 1025 DrivesDB60 Planter (24/47 Rows, 30/15-Inch Spacing, Split Row) (S.N. -750999) (North American Edition)Variable Seed Drive Motor, RH Illustrated
  • 1125 Drives DB Planter - 36 Rows 45 cm SpacingDB53 Planter (36 Rows, 45cm spacing)Variable Seed Drive Motor, RH Illustrated
  • 12110 VACUUM SYSTEMS1700 Twin Row PlanterVariable Rate Drive Motor / Sensor W/ Hardware
  • 1330 TransmissionDB50 Planter (20/31/32 Row, 76/50/45cm spacing)(S.N. -099999)(South America Edition)(Manufactured in Brazil)Motor / Brackets, Variable Transmission
  • 1430 TransmissionDB74 Planter (30/45/48 Row, 76/50/45cm spacing)(S.N. -099999)(South America Edition) (Manufactured in Brazil)Motor / Brackets, Variable Transmission
  • 1530 TransmissionDB90 Planter (36 Row, 76cm spacing)(S.N. -099999)(South America Edition)(Manufactured in Brazil)Motor / Brackets, Variable Transmission
  • 1685 Variable Rate DriveDeere Orthman DR8T Twin Row Planter (S.N. -785999)Variable Rate Drive Motor / Sensor W/ Hardware
  • 1785 Variable Rate Drive1775 Flex-Fold Planter (S.N. 760101- )Variable Seed Drive (LH Illustrated)
  • 1885 Variable Rate Drive1705 Twin Row Planter (S.N. 760101- )Variable Rate Drive Motor / Sensor W/ Hardware
  • 1985 Variable Rate Drive1775 Flex-Fold Planter (S.N. 760101- )Variable Seed Drive 2 Motors (RH Illustrated)
  • 2025 DrivesDB50, DB74, DB90 (DB Series)(S.N. 740101- )Planter (South American Edition)Variable Seed Drive - 2/3 Motors
  • 2125 DrivesDB50, DB74, DB90 (DB Series)(S.N. 740101- )Planter (South American Edition)Variable Seed Drive - 2 And 3 Motors
  • 22110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive (1760, 8R 30, 36 & 38 IN; 12R 30"; 1770, 12R 30") One Motor ( - 2001)
  • 23110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive (1760, 8R 30, 36 & 38"; 12R 30"; 1770, 12R 30") One Motor (2002 - )
  • 24110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive (1760, 8R 30, 36 & 38"; 12R 30"; 1770, 12R 30") 2 Motors (R-H ILL) ( - 2001)
  • 25110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed DR. (1760, 8R 30, 36 & 38"; 12R 30"; 1770, 12R 30") 2 Motors (L-H SIDE ILL) ( - 2001)
  • 26110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive, (1760, 8R 30, 36 & 38"; 12R 30"; 1770, 12R 30") 2 Motors, RH Illustrated (2002 - )
  • 27110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive, (1760, 8R 30, 36 & 38"; 12R 30"; 1770, 12R 30") 2 Motors, LH Illustrated (2002 - )
  • 28110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive W/Seed Cart (1760, 8R 30, 36 & 38"; 12R 30") 2 Motors (LH Side ILL)
  • 29110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVAR. SEED DR. W/SEED CART (1760, 8R 30,36 & 38"; 12R 30"; 1770, 12R 30") 2 MOTORS (R-H SIDE ILL)
  • 30110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVARIABLE SEED DRIVE W/SEED CART (1770, 12R 30") 2 MOTORS (L-H SIDE ILL)
  • 31110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive (1770, 12R, 36 & 38"; 16R 30"; 24R 30") 2 Motors (L-H Side ILL) ( - 2001)
  • 32110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive (1770, 12R, 36 & 38"; 16R 30"; 24R 30") 2 Motors (R-H ILL) ( - 2001)
  • 33110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive (1770, 12R, 36 & 38"; 16R 30"; 24R 30") ORTHMAN, 2 Motors (L-H Side ILL) (2002 - )
  • 34110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive (1770,12R,36 & 38";16R 30"; 24R30") Orthman, 2 Motors (R-H Side ILL) (2002 - )
  • 35110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive (1780 - 12/23, 16R22, 24R20 & 16/31) L-H Side ILL ( - 2001)
  • 36110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive (1780 - 12/23, 16R22, 24R20 & 16/31) R-H Side ILL) ( - 2001)
  • 37110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive (1780 - 12/23, 16R22, 24R20 & 16/31) L-H Side ILL (2002 - )
  • 38110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive (1780 - 12/23, 16R22, 24R20 & 16/31) R-H Side ILL (2002 - )
  • 39110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive - 1770NT 2 Motors (L-H ILL) ( - 700100)
  • 40110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive -1770NT 2 Motors (R-H ILL) ( - 700100)
  • 41110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive - 1770NT 2 Motors (L-H ILL) (700101 - 740100)
  • 42110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive, 2 Motors, LH Illustrated (740101 - )
  • 43110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive - 1770NT 2 Motors (R-H ILL) (700101 - 740100)
  • 44110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive - 1770NT 2 Motors (R-H ILL) (740101 - )
  • 45110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVARIABLE SEED DRIVE (ONE MOTOR) 1700 AND 1710 - 8/36, 10/30, 12/30, 12/36, 12/70CM
  • 46110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVARIABLE SEED DRIVE (ONE MOTOR) 1720
  • 47110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive - 1720 (Two Motors, Right Hand Side Illustrated) ( - 710100)
  • 48110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive - 1720 Two Motors, All Except 12/30,12/36, &12/38-40 (LH ILL.) ( - 710100)
  • 49110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive (Two Motors) 1710 - 12/30, 1720 - 12/30, 12/36, 12/38-40 (710101 - )
  • 50110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive 1730 - 6RN, 6RW, 8RN, 8RW, 9RN, 11RN, 12RN, 13RN, 15RN (1 Motor) ( - 2002)
  • 51110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive 1730 - 6RN, 6RW, 8RN, 8RW, 9RN, 11RN, 12RN, 13RN, 15RN (1 Motor) (2002 - )
  • 52110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVAR. Seed Drive 1750, 4R 20"; 4R 30", 36"& 38"; 6R 30"; 6R 36"& 38"; 8R 30" (1 MOTOR) ( - APR02)
  • 53110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive 1750, 4R 20"; 4R 30", 36" and 38"; 6R 30"; 6R 36" and 38"; 8R 30"(1 Motor) (APR02 - )
  • 54110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive 1790 - 2 Motors (L-H Side ILL) ( - 740100)
  • 55110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive 1790 - 2 Motors (L-H Side ILL) (740101 - )
  • 56110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive 1790 - 2 Motors (R-H Side ILL) ( - 740100)
  • 57110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive 1790 - 2 Motors, RH Illustrated (740101 - )
  • 58110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVARIABLE SEED DRIVE - 2 MOTORS (R-H SIDE ILL) DB PLANTERS
  • 59110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVARIABLE SEED DRIVE - 2 MOTORS (L-H SIDE ILL) DB PLANTERS
  • 60110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive - 2 Motors (L-H Side ILL) 1770NT 24R30 ( - 740100)
  • 61110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive - 2 Motors (L-H Side ILL) 1770NT 24R30 (Continued) (740101 - )
  • 62110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive - 2 Motors (R-H Side ILL) 177NT 24R30 ( - 740100)
  • 63110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive - 2 Motors (R-H Side ILL) 177NT 24R30 (Continued) (740101 - )
  • 64110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive - 1770NT 12R30 - 2 Motors (L-H ILL) ( - 740100)
  • 65110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive, 2 Motors, LH Illustrated (740101 - )
  • 66110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive - 1770NT 12R30 - 2 Motors (R-H Side ILL) ( - 740100)
  • 67110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive - 1770NT 12R30 - 2 Motors (R-H Side ILL) (740101 - )
  • 68110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVARIABLE SEED DRIVE (1720-12R 30", 12R 36", 12R 38-40", 16R 30") 3 MOTORS (L-H SIDE ILLUSTRATED)
  • 69110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive W/ 3 Motors, Center
  • 70110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVARIABLE SEED DRIVE (1720-12R 30", 12R 36", 12R 38-40", 16R 30") 3 MOTORS (R-H SIDE ILLUSTRATED)
  • 71110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive, 3 Motors, 1720 CCS™, LH Illustrated
  • 72110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVARIABLE SEED DRIVE (1720 CCS) 3 MOTORS (CENTER ILLUSTRATED)
  • 73110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVARIABLE SEED DRIVE (1720 CCS) 3 MOTORS (R-H SIDE ILLUSTRATED)
  • 74110 VARIABLE DRIVESeedStar Seed Monitor and Variable Rate DriveVariable Seed Drive (One Motor) 1720T
  • 7550 Transmission1745 CIS Planter (Russian Edition)Variable Rate Drive Motor / Sensor W/ Hardware
  • 7650 Transmission1745 CIS Planter (Russian Edition)Variable Rate Drive Motor
  • 7725 DrivesDB62 Planter (36 Rows, 52.5cm Spacing)Variable Seed Drive- 3 Motors (LH ILL)
  • 7825 DrivesDB83 Planter (48 Rows, 52.5cm Spacing)Variable Seed Drive- 3 Motors (LH ILL)
  • 7925 DrivesDB62 Planter (36 Rows, 52.5cm Spacing)Variable Seed Drive Motor, RH Illustrated
  • 8025 DrivesDB83 Planter (48 Rows, 52.5cm Spacing)Variable Seed Drive Motor, RH Illustrated
  • 8125 DrivesDB74 Planter (32 Rows, 70cm spacing)Variable Seed Drive Motor, RH Illustrated
  • 8250 Transmission1745 Drawn MaxEmerge 5 Planter (Russia Edition)Variable Rate Drive Motor / Sensor W/ Hardware
  • 8350 Transmission1745 Drawn MaxEmerge 5 Planter (Russia Edition)Variable Rate Drive Motor
  • 8485 Variable Rate Drive1715 Vertical Fold Planter (S.N. 760101- 780999)Variable Seed Drive, One Motor
  • 8585 Variable Rate Drive1715 Vertical Fold Planter (S.N. 760101- 780999)Variable Seed Drive (Two Motors)
  • 8640 Electrical1755 Planter (8 Row)(Mexico Edition)Variable Seed Drive
  • 8725 DrivesDB41 Planter (24 Rows, 52.5cm Spacing)Variable Seed Drive Motor, RH Illustrated
  • 8825 DrivesDB55 Planter (24 Rows, 70cm Spacing)Variable Seed Drive Motor, RH Illustrated
  • 8925 Drives DB - 24/36 Rows 70/45 cm Spacing, ConvertibleDB55C Convertible Planter (24/36 Rows, 70/45cm Spacing)Variable Seed Drive Motor, RH Illustrated
  • 9025 Drives DB - 24/36 Rows 70/45 cm Spacing, ConvertibleDB55C Convertible Planter (24/36 Rows, 70/45cm Spacing)Variable Seed Drive- 3 Motors (LH ILL)
  • 9185 Variable Rate Drive1725 CCS Twin Row Planter (S.N. 760101 - 785999)Variable Rate Drive Motor and Sensor W/ Hardware
  • 9285 Variable Rate DriveDB90 Planter (36 Row, 30-Inch Spacing)(S.N. 755101- )(North America Edition)Variable Seed Drive 3 Motor, RH Illustrated
  • 9350 Transmission1745 Rigid Frame Planter (South America Edition)Variable Rate Drive Motor / Sensor W/ Hardware
  • 9450 Transmission1745 Rigid Frame Planter (South America Edition)Hydraulic Motor, Variable Rate Drive
  • 9550 Transmission1745 Rigid Frame Planter (South America Edition)Hydraulic Motor / Transmission, Fertilizer
  • 9685 Variable Rate DriveDB44 Planter (24 Row, 22-Inch Spacing)(S.N. 755101- )(North America Edition)Drive Shaft, Variable Rate Drive Motor W/O CCS™
  • 9785 Variable Rate DriveDB44 Planter (24 Row, 22-Inch Spacing)(S.N. 755101- )(North America Edition)Drive Shaft, Variable Rate Drive Motor, W/ CCS™
  • 9830 TransmissionDB90 Planter (36 Row, 76cm Spacing)(S.N. 100000-130099)(South America Edition)(Manufactured in Brazil)Motor / Brackets, Variable Transmission
  • 9925 DrivesDB83 Planter (36 Rows, 70cm spacing)Variable Seed Drive Motor, RH Illustrated
  • 10085 Variable Rate Drive1775NT Narrow Transport 12-Row Planter (S.N. 760101-794100)Variable Seed Drive - 2 Motors (LH Illustrated)
(Any references to trademarks, names, descriptions, numbers, and symbols on our website are utilized for reference purposes only. All trademarks pertaining to original equipment manufacturers are duly registered trademarks of the respective original equipment manufacturers. Our website explicitly disclaims any direct association or affiliation with the manufacturers listed. The use of manufacturers' names and descriptions is strictly for reference purposes and does not imply any endorsement or sponsorship.)