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OEM Parts KK27721 U-Bolt for 2660VT Vertical Tillage

Product Name: KK27721 U-Bolt

Category: Consumable Parts


Model: 2660VT Vertical Tillage | 2330 Mulch Finisher | 1785 Narrow Row Planter (S.N. 760101- )

Remark: KK27721 П-образный болт

Product Name: KK27721 U-Bolt

Category: Consumable Parts

Model: 2660VT Vertical Tillage | 2330 Mulch Finisher | 1785 Narrow Row Planter (S.N. 760101- ) | 1780 MAXEMERGE PLUS Narrow Rigid Drawn Conservation Planter, 4, 6 and 8 Row | 2230LL Level Lift Field Cultivator



SEQPart NO.NameQty.TypeNote
  • 140 Electrical System2660VT Vertical TillageDepth Control Wiring Harness, TruSet™ Basic, 20 ft 6 in. and 25 ft 5 in.
  • 240 Electrical System2660VT Vertical TillageDepth Control Wiring Harness, TruSet™ Basic, 30 ft 3 in. and 33 ft 10 in.
  • 340 Electrical System2660VT Vertical TillageDepth Control Wiring Harness, TruSet™ Basic, 20 ft 6 in. and 25 ft 5 in., Attachment
  • 440 Electrical System2660VT Vertical TillageDepth Control Wiring Harness, TruSet™ Basic, 30 ft 3 in. and 33 ft 10 in. Attachment
  • 540 Electrical System2660VT Vertical TillageDepth Control Wiring Harness, TruSet™ Basic, 43 ft 6 in. and 49 ft 6 in.
  • 640 Electrical System2660VT Vertical TillageDepth Control Wiring Harness, TruSet™ Basic, 43 ft 6 in. and 49 ft 6 in., Attachment
  • 740 Electrical2330 Mulch FinisherLight Brackets / Harness, TruSet™, 3 Section
  • 840 Electrical2330 Mulch FinisherLight Brackets / Harness, TruSet™, 5 Section
  • 945 Electrical MaxEmerge™ 5 Retrofit Kit1785 Narrow Row Planter (S.N. 760101- )Wheel Speed Sensor and Tone Wheel
  • 1045 Electrical MaxEmerge™ 5 Retrofit Kit1780 MAXEMERGE PLUS Narrow Rigid Drawn Conservation Planter, 4, 6 and 8 RowWheel Speed Sensor and Tone Wheel
  • 1170 Hydraulic System2330 Mulch FinisherWing Fold Downforce Hydraulic Lines, 21 ft to 33 ft
  • 1270 Hydraulic System2330 Mulch FinisherMounting Components, Rolling Basket Hydraulic Lines, 21 ft to 33 ft
  • 1370 Hydraulic System2330 Mulch FinisherControl Valve Assembly, Wing Fold
  • 1482 Depth Control System2330 Mulch FinisherSingle Point Depth Control
  • 1570 Hydraulic System2230LL Level Lift Field CultivatorMounting Components, Rolling Basket Hydraulic Lines, 38 ft to 60 ft
  • 1646 Electrical ExactEmerge™ Retrofit Kit1785 Narrow Row Planter (S.N. 760101- )Wheel Speed Sensor and Tone Wheel
  • 1746 Electrical ExactEmerge™ Retrofit Kit1780 MAXEMERGE PLUS Narrow Rigid Drawn Conservation Planter, 4, 6 and 8 RowWheel Speed Sensor and Tone Wheel
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