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OEM Parts RE260912 Striker for 5204 and 5303 Tractors (Mexico Edition)

Product Name: RE260912 Striker

Category: Engine System / Axle


Model: 5204 and 5303 Tractors (Mexico Edition) | 5303, 5403 Tractor (S.N. 090001-)(Mfg. in Brazil)(South American Edition) | 5103, 5203, 5303 and 5403 Tractors (Australia Edition)

Remark: RE260912 Ограничитель

Product Name: RE260912 Striker

Category: Engine System / Axle

Model: 5204 and 5303 Tractors (Mexico Edition) | 5303, 5403 Tractor (S.N. 090001-)(Mfg. in Brazil)(South American Edition) | 5103, 5203, 5303 and 5403 Tractors (Australia Edition) | 5303 and 5403 Tractors (Stage II Engine)(PY5303E, PY5403E, South Africa Edition) | 5103S, 5203, 5104, 5204, 5038D Tractors (TREM IIIA Engine)(PY-5103S, 5203B, 5104B, 5204B, 5038D, Asia Edition) | 5303 and 5403 Tractor (North Africa Edition) | 5303 and 5403 Tractors (South America Edition) | 5303, 5403 and 5503 Tractors (Stage II Engine)(PY5303E, PY5403E, PY5503E, Turkey Edition) | 5310, 5410, 5610 Tractors (TREM III Engine)(PY5310T, PY5410T, PY5610T, India Edition) | 5310 (S.N. PY5310S005119- ) and 5203S (S.N. PY5203S000001 -) Tractors (India Edition) | 5310,5610 Tractors (Asia Edition) | 5303, 5403, 5503 Tractors (Europe Edition) | 5103E, 5103, 5103S, 5203, 5104, 5038D (S.N. -009920), 5204 Tractors (PY-5038D, 5103A, 5103B, 5103S, 5203B, 5104 (TREM IIIA Engine)(India Edition) | 5103, 5203, 5303 and 5403 Tractors (IT4 Engine)(PY5103U, PY5203U, PY5303U, PY5403U, North America Edition)



  • 180 WHEELS, NON-POWERED AXLES, SHEET METAL5204 and 5303 Tractors (Mexico Edition)HOOD AND SIDE PANELS
  • 282 SHEET METAL AND WHEEL5303, 5403 Tractor (S.N. 090001-)(Mfg. in Brazil)(South American Edition)HOOD AND SIDE PANELS
  • 380 WHEELS, NON-POWERED AXLES, SHEET METAL5103, 5203, 5303 and 5403 Tractors (Australia Edition)HOOD
  • 480 WHEELS, NON-POWERED AXLES, SHEET METAL5303 and 5403 Tractors (Stage II Engine)(PY5303E, PY5403E, South Africa Edition)HOOD AND SIDE PANELS
  • 580 WHEELS, NON-POWERED AXLES, SHEET METAL5103S, 5203, 5104, 5204, 5038D Tractors (TREM IIIA Engine)(PY-5103S, 5203B, 5104B, 5204B, 5038D, Asia Edition)Hood and Side Panels
  • 680 WHEELS, NON-POWERED AXLES, SHEET METAL5303 and 5403 Tractor (North Africa Edition)HOOD
  • 780 WHEELS, NON-POWERED AXLES, SHEET METAL5303 and 5403 Tractors (South America Edition)HOOD AND SIDE PANELS
  • 880 Wheels, Non-Powered Axles, Sheet metal5303, 5403 and 5503 Tractors (Stage II Engine)(PY5303E, PY5403E, PY5503E, Turkey Edition)Hood and Side Panels
  • 980 WHEELS, NON-POWERED AXLES, SHEET METAL5310, 5410, 5610 Tractors (TREM III Engine)(PY5310T, PY5410T, PY5610T, India Edition)Hood and Side Panels
  • 1080 WHEELS, NON-POWERED AXLES, SHEET METAL5310 (S.N. PY5310S005119- ) and 5203S (S.N. PY5203S000001 -) Tractors (India Edition)Hood and Side Panels
  • 1180 Wheels, Non-Powered Axles, Sheet metal5310,5610 Tractors (Asia Edition)Hood and Side Panels
  • 1280 Wheels, Non-Powered Axles, Sheet metal5303, 5403, 5503 Tractors (Europe Edition)HOOD AND SIDE PANELS
  • 1380 WHEELS, NON-POWERED AXLES, SHEET METAL5103E, 5103, 5103S, 5203, 5104, 5038D (S.N. -009920), 5204 Tractors (PY-5038D, 5103A, 5103B, 5103S, 5203B, 5104 (TREM IIIA Engine)(India Edition)Hood, Side Panels (5104,5204)
  • 1480 WHEELS, NON-POWERED AXLES, SHEET METAL5103E, 5103, 5103S, 5203, 5104, 5038D (S.N. -009920), 5204 Tractors (PY-5038D, 5103A, 5103B, 5103S, 5203B, 5104 (TREM IIIA Engine)(India Edition)Hood and side panels (5103E)
  • 1580 WHEELS, NON-POWERED AXLES, SHEET METAL5103E, 5103, 5103S, 5203, 5104, 5038D (S.N. -009920), 5204 Tractors (PY-5038D, 5103A, 5103B, 5103S, 5203B, 5104 (TREM IIIA Engine)(India Edition)Hood and side panels (5103,5103S,5203)
  • 1680 Wheels, Non-Powered Axles, Sheet metal5103, 5203, 5303 and 5403 Tractors (IT4 Engine)(PY5103U, PY5203U, PY5303U, PY5403U, North America Edition)Hood
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