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OEM Parts A46636 Shift Collar Carrier for 7000 Flex-Fold Planter

Product Name: A46636 Shift Collar Carrier

Category: Undercarriage / Bucket / Engine System / Final Drive / Axle


Model: 7000 Flex-Fold Planter | 7200 (4-Row, 4-Row Wide and 6-Row Narrow), 7200 (6-Row Wide and 8-Row Narrow) Drawn MAXEMERGE 2 Planter | 7200 (12-Row, 8-Row Wide and 12-Row Narrow) Flex-Fold MAXEMERGE 2 Planter

Remark: A46636 Держат. муфты переключ.

Product Name: A46636 Shift Collar Carrier

Category: Undercarriage / Bucket / Engine System / Final Drive / Axle

Model: 7000 Flex-Fold Planter | 7200 (4-Row, 4-Row Wide and 6-Row Narrow), 7200 (6-Row Wide and 8-Row Narrow) Drawn MAXEMERGE 2 Planter | 7200 (12-Row, 8-Row Wide and 12-Row Narrow) Flex-Fold MAXEMERGE 2 Planter | 7300 Integral MAXEMERGE 2 Planter | 7300 Vertical-Fold (8-Row Wide and 12-Row Narrow) Integral MAXEMERGE 2 Planter | 7200 Flex-Fold MAXEMERGE 2 Drawn Planter (12 Wide and 16 Narrow) | 7340 Integral (12-Row Narrow) MAXEMERGE 2 Planter | 7200 Wing-Fold Drawn (8-Row Wide and 12-Row Narrow) MAXEMERGE 2 Planter (North American Edition) | 7200 Rigid-Fold MAXEMERGE 2 Drawn Conservation Planter (12-Row) (North American Edition) | 7200 Drawn 24-Row Flex-Fold Front-Fold Conservation MAXEMERGE 2 Planter | 7300 Stack-Fold MAXEMERGE 2 Integral Planter | 1770 24-Row Conservation Planter | 1710 Vertical-Fold Planter | 1750 MaxEmerge XP Drawn Planter (for South Africa) | 1700 Twin Row Planter | XP1030 Max Planter Plus, 4 or 6 Row (Mexican Edition) | 1745 Rigid Frame Planter (South America Edition) | 1705 Twin Row Planter (S.N. 760101- ) | 1900 Commodity Air Cart | 1740 MaxEmerge XP Planter (Mexico) | 1770 12-Row Wide, 16-Row Narrow Flex-Fold Planter | 1715 Vertical Fold Planter (S.N. 760101- 780999) | 1720 CCS Twin Row Planter | 1725 CCS Twin Row Planter (S.N. 760101 - 785999) | 1035 Planter (Mexico Edition) | 1910 Commodity Air Cart (Ground Drive) | 1770NT 24-Row Planter | 1790 Front Fold Planter (North American Edition) | DB Series Planter (DB44, DB58, DB60, DB66, DB80, DB88, DB90)(S.N. -755100)(North America Edition) | 1725 CCS Stack Fold Planter (S.N. 760101- )



  • 1100 DRIVES7000 Flex-Fold PlanterDRIVE WHEEL ASSEMBLY [E02]
  • 2100 DRIVES7200 (4-Row, 4-Row Wide and 6-Row Narrow), 7200 (6-Row Wide and 8-Row Narrow) Drawn MAXEMERGE 2 PlanterDRIVE WHEEL ASSEMBLY [01I04]
  • 3100 DRIVES7200 (12-Row, 8-Row Wide and 12-Row Narrow) Flex-Fold MAXEMERGE 2 PlanterDRIVE WHEEL ASSEMBLY [02A19]
  • 5100 DRIVES7300 Vertical-Fold (8-Row Wide and 12-Row Narrow) Integral MAXEMERGE 2 PlanterDRIVE WHEEL ASSEMBLY (CENTER FRAME) [G03]
  • 6100 DRIVES7200 Flex-Fold MAXEMERGE 2 Drawn Planter (12 Wide and 16 Narrow)DRIVE WHEEL ASSEMBLY (RIGID WING FRAME) [01H19]
  • 7100 DRIVES7340 Integral (12-Row Narrow) MAXEMERGE 2 PlanterDRIVE WHEEL ASSEMBLY [F10]
  • 8100 DRIVES7200 Wing-Fold Drawn (8-Row Wide and 12-Row Narrow) MAXEMERGE 2 Planter (North American Edition)DRIVE WHEEL ASSEMBLY (CENTER FRAME) [G03]
  • 9100 DRIVES7200 Rigid-Fold MAXEMERGE 2 Drawn Conservation Planter (12-Row) (North American Edition)DRIVE WHEEL ASSEMBLY [01H10]
  • 10100 DRIVES7200 Drawn 24-Row Flex-Fold Front-Fold Conservation MAXEMERGE 2 PlanterDRIVE WHEEL ASSEMBLY (WING FRAME) [G14]
  • 11100 DRIVES7300 Stack-Fold MAXEMERGE 2 Integral PlanterWHEEL ASSEMBLY (8R36, 38-40, AND 12R30) [G02]
  • 12100 DRIVES7300 Stack-Fold MAXEMERGE 2 Integral PlanterWHEEL ASSEMBLY (10 ROW & 12 ROW, 36" & 38-40" SPACING) [G04]
  • 13100 DRIVES7200 (4-Row, 4-Row Wide and 6-Row Narrow), 7200 (6-Row Wide and 8-Row Narrow) Drawn MAXEMERGE 2 PlanterDRIVE WHEEL ASSEMBLY ( -1988) 5 ROW SPLIT ROW PLANTING ATTACHMENT [01I08]
  • 14100 DRIVES7300 Vertical-Fold (8-Row Wide and 12-Row Narrow) Integral MAXEMERGE 2 PlanterDRIVE WHEEL ASSEMBLY (RIGID WING FRAME) [G07]
  • 15100 DRIVES7200 (4-Row, 4-Row Wide and 6-Row Narrow), 7200 (6-Row Wide and 8-Row Narrow) Drawn MAXEMERGE 2 PlanterDRIVE WHEEL ASSEMBLY (1987-1988) 7 ROW SPLIT ROW PLANTING ATTACHMENT [01I10]
  • 16100 Drives1770 24-Row Conservation PlanterDRIVE WHEEL ASSEMBLY WING FRAME
  • 17100 Drives1710 Vertical-Fold PlanterDrive Wheel Assembly, Center Frame
  • 18100 Drives1710 Vertical-Fold PlanterDrive Wheel Assembly, Rigid Wing Frame
  • 19100 DRIVES1750 MaxEmerge XP Drawn Planter (for South Africa)Shield Chain, Drive Wheel Assembly
  • 20100 Drives1700 Twin Row PlanterRatchet
  • 21100 DrivesXP1030 Max Planter Plus, 4 or 6 Row (Mexican Edition)Ratchet Assembly
  • 22100 DrivesXP1030 Max Planter Plus, 4 or 6 Row (Mexican Edition)Transmission Drive and Cover, Cotton Planter
  • 2350 Transmission1745 Rigid Frame Planter (South America Edition)Drive / Gear Case, Transmission
  • 2480 Drives1705 Twin Row Planter (S.N. 760101- )Ratchet
  • 2560 Drives and Transmissions1900 Commodity Air CartREAR AXLE DRIVE AND ONE-WAY CLUTCH
  • 2650 TRANSMISSION1740 MaxEmerge XP Planter (Mexico)Transmission Lower Shaft
  • 27100 Drives1770 12-Row Wide, 16-Row Narrow Flex-Fold PlanterDrive Wheel Assembly, Rigid Wind Frame
  • 2880 Drives1715 Vertical Fold Planter (S.N. 760101- 780999)Drive Wheel Assembly, Center Frame
  • 2980 Drives1715 Vertical Fold Planter (S.N. 760101- 780999)Drive Wheel Assembly, Rigid Wing Frame
  • 30100 Drives1720 CCS Twin Row PlanterCountershaft
  • 3180 Drives1725 CCS Twin Row Planter (S.N. 760101 - 785999)Countershaft
  • 32100 Drives1035 Planter (Mexico Edition)Ratchet Assembly
  • 3360 Drives and Transmissions1910 Commodity Air Cart (Ground Drive)Rear Axle Drive And One-Way Clutch
  • 34100 DRIVES1770NT 24-Row PlanterDual Seed Drive
  • 35100 Drives, 20” Row Spacing1790 Front Fold Planter (North American Edition)Contact Tire Drive ( - 705100)
  • 36150 Fertilizer Attachments1790 Front Fold Planter (North American Edition)Liquid Fertilizer Drives ( - 705100)
  • 37105 Drives, 15" Row Spacing1790 Front Fold Planter (North American Edition)Contact Tire Drive ( - 705100)
  • 3880 DrivesDB Series Planter (DB44, DB58, DB60, DB66, DB80, DB88, DB90)(S.N. -755100)(North America Edition)Ratchet Assembly
  • 3960 Drives and Transmissions1900 Commodity Air CartChain Sprocket, Ratchet Cart
  • 4080 Drives1725 CCS Stack Fold Planter (S.N. 760101- )Wheel Assembly
  • 41100 DRIVES1730 Narrow Row Integral PlanterGround Drive
  • 4280 Drives1735 Narrow Row Integral Planter (S.N. 760101- )Ground Drive, 12 Row Narrow
  • 43100 Drives1720 Stack-Fold PlanterWheel Assembly
  • 4480 Drives1705 Integral Planter (S.N. 760101- )Wheel Assembly (4R / 6R / 8R, 30, 36, 38, 40", 6R70 cm, 8R70 cm, 10R70 cm)
  • 45100 DRIVES1730 Narrow Row Integral PlanterGround Drive, 12 Row Narrow
  • 4680 Drives1725 Stack Fold Planter (S.N. 760101- )Wheel Assembly
  • 4780 Drives1735 Narrow Row Integral Planter (S.N. 760101- )Ground Drive
  • 4880 Drives1755 Conservation Planter (S.N. 760101 - 790100)Drive Wheel Assembly
  • 49100 DRIVES1700 Integral PlanterWHEEL ASSEMBLY-4R/6R,30,36,38,40"; 6R,70CM; 8R, 30,36,38,40"; 8R,70C M; 10R 30
  • 50100 DRIVES1750 Conservation Planter (4, 6 and 8 Row)Drive Wheel Assembly
  • 51100 Drives1720 CCS Stack-Fold PlanterWheel Assembly
  • 52100 Drives1755 Planter (South Africa Edition)Chain Sprocket / Arm / Shield, Drive Wheel
  • 5380 Drives1775NT Narrow Transport 24-Row Planter (S.N. 760101-794100)Dual Seed Drive
  • 54100 Drives1755 Planter (8 Row)(Mexico Edition)Chain Sprocket / Arm / Shield, Drive Wheel
  • 5580 Drives1755 Planter (4, 6 and 8 Row)(S.N. 790101- )Chain Sprocket / Arm / Shield, Drive Wheel
  • 5680 DrivesDB120 Planter (48 Row, 30-Inch Spacing)(S.N. 755101- )(North America Edition)Support / Brackets, Center Wheel Arm
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