Part NO. VOE13946173 suitable for:
- 1L150EOil cooler, rear, pump circuit.S/N 8001 - 9455200465232501010830I
- 2EC20CHorn-205703621001054827I
- 3EW130 ÅKERMANTurbocharger with exhaustmanifoldÅKERMAN EW130 SER NO - 44799508255100FR314I
- 4BL71Sign carrierS/N 16827 -201603532001012625I
- 5L220EFan shroud with fitting partsSER NO 4003 - 5020200712632601033486I
- 6L50CTurbo charger MountingS/N 10967-, OPEN ROPS S/N 35001-9778925550AR215BI
- 7EC20CFuel system-205702351001054813I
- 8L70FProtecting plates-201047153501024472I
- 9BL70Foot step-200048271501007525I
- 10L25FWindscreen washer system-205773632001056167I
- 11A40F FSOn board weight system-205903625001074355I
- 12A20CLoad and dump brakeSER NO 3052-97791553100BM351I
- 13L150ECable harness, boom suspension system.S/N 6005 - 7549 S/N 63001 - 63085978283711000EL272I
- 14L90GCable harness, front-206453714001063782I
- 15BL61PLUSRadiatorS/N 10287 -201582611001065035I
- 16BL61Foot step-200508271501012683I
- 17L60EFront cable harness with assembly parts-200093713501002810I
- 18L60EControls, differential lock-200094682001013290I
- 19L180FBucket positioner and boom kickoutS/N 11001 - 15577201099457001020239I
- 20A35F FSFuel system.-205882352001075481I
- 21L120ECable harness, radiatorS/N 19804- SWE, 66001- USA, 71401-BRA, 54001-IRN200863718001019837I
- 22EC280Leak oil filterSER NO 1001-99523911300FW249I
- 23EW210CHydraulic valve.S/N 120013-120133201539129251059236I
- 24L120GDraining of oil sumpS/N 30001-31533206232171501024526I
- 25L90EFan and fan shroud-200072631001020046I
- 26G700B MODELSCrankcase ventilationS/N 35000 -460032125001002318I
- 27T450DRotating beacon-200913623001048908I
- 28SD135CoverplatesS/N 552000-206858371001070313I
- 29L180DSign lamp.-97814353200EF372I
- 30L180CEngine cover.S/N 2533-SWE, 60465-USA97787821275AW492I
- 31A25DLighting, rearS/N -12999, - 61118 USA97836353100BU156I
- 32SD75CoverplatesS/N 240001 -, 550000 -206578371001069698I
- 33A35E FSFeed linesFULL SUSPENSION S/N 10001 - 11215201485612001031396I
- 34MC60BProtecting plates-200638651001018790I
- 35FBR2800CValve mechanismS/N 110001-110016202332141501031788I
- 36EC380DHREGR - cold sideHIGH REACH DEMOLITION S/N 290011-290020,291001-206562932001058025I
- 37L90GRoof-206458102601089757I
- 38A40EOil sumpS/N 11001 - 13879201492171501032628I
- 39A35F FSBrake valves with fitting parts-205885631001064866I
- 40G900CPedestal AssemblyG930C/940C/946C/960C S/N 583002 - 586015207176413501077170I
- 41L70GRoof-206448102601089757I
- 42L180EFan shroud with fitting partsHIGH-LIFT S/N 8002 - 9407200882632001018909I
- 43L90GBucket positioner and boom kickout-206459458001000939I
- 44L180EProtection, brake pipesHIGH-LIFT S/N 8002 - 9407200887152501019780I
- 45L120EHydraulic system, high altitude versionS/N 19804- SWE, 66001- USA, 71401-BRA, 54001-IRN200869167001021232I
- 46PL3005DCable harness, Emission After-treatmentS/N 210001-210071, 280001-206382543251071047I
- 47L70GBrake lines, footbrake valve - axles-206445222001063628I
- 48L150EFront cable harness with assembly partsS/N 10002 - 11594200823716001013161I
- 49L70GDifferential lock, hydraulic line-206444682001062725I
- 50A30CLighting, rear-97793353150BP364I
- 51A25DHydraulic brake system, load unitS/N -12999, - 61118 USA97836522150BW166I
- 52EW140Feed pumpSER NO 1001-148799536233100LK115I
- 53L70CAlternator with assembling detailsSER NO 13116-, SER NO BRAZIL 70007-97790321100AS106AI
- 54L120EProtection for lightingS/N 16001 - 19668 SWE, 64001- USA, 70701-BRA978357153001067177I
- 55L120FBattery cable and main switch-2010737120251026153I
- 56EC360BTurbocharger with fitting parts-56137255100XB114I
- 57A25 VOLVO BMRotation warning light 99059VOLVO BM A25976893550016884AI
- 58EW160ECabin floorS/N 320011-, 322001-207238373001080009I
- 59BL61Air ductsS/N 11459 -201578722001008619I
- 60A25DCable harness, electrical distribution unitS/N -12999, - 61118 USA97836371250BU125I
- 61BL61PLUSPosition pointer and anchorage, license plate-201243532001012625I
- 62L150FOil cooler, forward, motor circuit.S/N 13003 - 17724201085231001021872I
- 63G900CFan circuit - rearG930C/940C/946C/960C S/N 583002 - 586015207179128401076562I
- 64L70HSign lamp.-207283535001078960I
- 65L110GHydraulic fluid tank, ventilationS/N 8001-9393206229112501077380I
- 66L50B/L50C VOLVO BMControls, differential lockVOLVO BM L50B/L50C SER NO - 1096697715468100AG288I
- 67BL71PLUSPosition pointer and anchorage, license plate-201253532001012625I
- 68L70DServo valve with fitting parts-978109143501014287I
- 69L220EOil cooler, rear, pump circuit.SER NO 4003 - 5020200715232751024498I
- 70L220DCab body: roof and floor panel.SER NO 1001-978008102001016676I
- 715350BHydraulic tankVolvo BM 5350B SER NO 2229 - 3999973119125018133I
- 72L20BLine fracture safety - LiftTYPE 170 SER NO - 049920005912351001006165I
- 73A25 VOLVO BMWheel-housing platesVOLVO BM A25976898620018113I
- 74L220EHydraulic fluid tank, ventilationSER NO 2001 - 399997823911125EK118I
- 75L110GDraining of oil sumpS/N 8001-9393206222171501024526I
- 76ECR28Operator's stationTYPE 601200478501501022094I
- 77BL70BBattery with assembling detailsS/N 330104 -206723101001070202I
- 78L60FBattery box-201033132221024733I
- 79EC160Timing gear casingSER NO 1001-995312151001006659I
- 80A25F/GCable harnesses, front-207003715001073133I
- 81L120CExtended lubepoints for lift arm systemS/N 11319-SWE, S/N 61677-USA, S/N 70075-BRA97784945900AQ231I
- 82BL71BBoom swing system-205979712001068005I
- 83L180DEngine hood-97814821275EG322I
- 84L70HAdBlue/DEF pump installation-207282543001079147I
- 85L60ECab body: roof and floor panel.-200098101501015862I
- 86L120FCable harness, fire extinguishing system, cab-2010737120001030564I
- 87L150FBucket positioner and boom kickoutS/N 13003 - 17724201089457001020239I
- 88L90HConverter housing with fitting parts-207294211001031405I
- 89L120EBucket positioner and boom kickoutS/N 19804- SWE, 66001- USA, 71401-BRA, 54001-IRN200869454501000939I
- 90L120EProtecting platesS/N 16001 - 19668 SWE, 64001- USA, 70701-BRA978358233001016083I
- 91L45BWindscreen washer systemS/N 1941500 - S/N 1951500 -2004236320000045201I
- 92L110FFan shroud-201062632501056594I
- 93A35FBrake valves with fitting parts-205875631001064866I
- 94BL60BLighting, frontS/N 130103 -206713521001067226I
- 95EC380DHRCable and wire harness, instrument panelHIGH REACH DEMOLITION S/N 290011-290020,291001-206563717001064834I
- 96ECR235DElectronic unitS/N 210001-210669206343675001063489I
- 97L350FAngle sensor, steering-200896602001056741I
- 98L110FLicense plate lamp-201063532001024727I
- 99L180DRunning board.HIGH-LIFT978158271501000620I
- 100EC390Leak oil filterSER NO 1001-99522911300FU306I