YA00003088 4635645
K3V280SH140L-0E41-VD K3V280
EX1200-6 ZX650-3 ZX670-3 ZX850-3 ZX870-3
weight: 160kg
warranty: 2 years
Here is an offer for the sale of the K3V280SH140L-0E41-VD K3V280 hydraulic main pump, specifically designed for EX1200-6, ZX650-3, ZX670-3, ZX850-3, and ZX870-3 excavators. This piston pump, identified as YA00003088 4635645, is now available in Partsdic Hydraulic and comes with a 2-year warranty. If you're in need of a high-quality hydraulic main pump for your excavator, this could be the perfect opportunity to purchase a reliable and backed-by-warranty component. Don't miss out on this deal!